Auto Build Unreleased Buildings & Cash Buildings Hack 

Download required files [ Download ] // wait for timer, click download, click download again. Any issues try it on another browser before commenting.

Required Tools [
Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:
  •  Download the require files above and extract both folder to your installed CityVilleBot folder (Default is C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot)
  • Cityville Bot v1.2 [Download]

  1. Go into CityVille and make several empty plots like the image above.
  2. Download the required files from the links above and replace the files in the CityVilleBot folder. (You will replace 2 files in codebase-php folder, and you will paste the entire SpecialItems folder into the Plugins folder)
  3. Start CityVilleBot. You should now see a SpecialItems tab. (if you did not, you have probably replaced something wrongly)
  4. If you have empty plots, the bot will have detected it and you will see something like my screenshot below.

  6. Now just select the building you want and click Save.
  7. Let the bot complete it on the SECOND run. You can only place 1 building each run, so just wait till you see the bot logging "SpecialItem special item  stepskyscraper"
  8. This means that the building has been placed. Have fun
  9. Share It And Get The community buildings Cheat 
  10. Auto Build Them With-Out Any Materials !!

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