This is the steps for Pet Society's Database Hacking. For the database, you have to download or find at one of our posts. But if you have problems with doing it just follow the steps here. It is strongly advised that you do this in your secondary account as there's always a possibility of getting banned.
- Fiddler2
- Any browser that works with Fiddler
- The .dat file you've downloaded from the other post
- Download the file in the post
- Open Fiddler and go into Pet Society
- Once loaded find this line in Fiddler: (xxx is numbers that changed along with the database version)
- Right click the line > Copy > Just URL
- Go to the Autoresponder tab and click Add. regex:(?insx)^http://d2syub29v5lge2\.cloudfront\.net/game/pets/swf/.*/database\.dat$
- Click the down arrow button beside SAVE > Find a file > Select the file you just downloaded from the post > Click SAVE
- Find this line in Fiddler:
- Right click > Copy > Just URL
- Go to the Autoresponder tab and click Add. regex:(?insx)^http://d2syub29v5lge2\.cloudfront\.net/game/pets/swf/.*/shops/shopMystery.*\.dat$
- Clear Cache for your browser and go into Pet Society
- Go into Shop Mystery and you will see the items.