As you all know, I am late on this post. You can find this post on any tech blog you search on the web. But the reason I posted this here is that, I wanna share this with my readers. There are many in this world, who yet haven't enjoyed this.

Google as we all know is bring used widely as the Search engine by everyone. But it's time for us to explore the funny side of Google. Here's a list of 7 good Google tricks. Some of the tricks are provided by Google itself while the other are provided by developers.

  • Google Gravity : I have already written a separate article Google in Gravity in my blog. But I will explain about it here once more. We all have read about Newton's Law of Gravity! Does it apply to Google Home page too? Let us test it now.
  1. Go to
  2. Type Google Gravity in the search box
  3. Click "I'm Feeling Lucky"
You can see that all the elements of the page will fall down. You can now start playing by tossing all the elements here and there. And one more surprise for you. When you type something in the search box an hit "Enter", the search results will also come falling down flooding the screen!!
  • Google Hacker : Want to have a look at how Google looks, when it is hacked?? Follow the instructions below.
  1. Go to
  2. Type Google Hacker in the search box
  3. Hit "I'm feeling lucky"
  • Epic Google : In Epic Google, you can see the font size of Google increasing automatically as if it will come out of the screen. Why don't you have a try at Epic Google?
  1. Go to
  2. Type Epic Google in the search box
  3. Press "I'm feeling lucky"
  • Annoying Google : In this Google, all the capitalization of the searches will change automatically to annoy you. Some letters will change to small letters and the other to large letters. Wanna have a try?
  1. Go to
  2. Type Annoying Google in the box
  3. Press "I'm feeling lucky"
  • Change Background Image : Did you know that you can change the background image in Google. Follow the instructions below to change image.
  1. Go to
  2. There at the bottom left you can see "Change background image". Click it.
  3. Use your Google account to login and change the image.

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