Trucos Empires Allies: edificios del gobierno 
Just as in CityVille, Empires & Allies also will need the help of our neighbours as staff of various buildings in CityVille calling community and in this new game are referred to as government buildings. Those who have played CityVille will know how tedious that is often finish the construction of these buildings, because they require the help of many of our friends, being that some players do not have too many allies in the game. For this reason that here I bring you one of the tricks of Empires & Allies to build easily government buildings.

Is the only tool needed to perform this trick of Empires & Allies on Facebook:
  • Have 1 or more accounts secondary and neighboring CityVille
The steps to follow in order to build Empires & Allies government buildings, are the following:
1. Enter the account where they want to build the buildings of the Government.
2. Request help as always, by selecting the secondary account.

3. Close the account and open Facebook with any secondary account to which you sent the request for help.
4. There open the game, they will click on the link that says "invitations to games", which is not in the left column of Facebook.

5. Once access there, you will see the application that sent in paragraph 2, should be where to click "OK".

6. Then must copy the web address that appears in the browser address bar.
7.  shorten the URL. You can skip this step, but I do not recommend, as it may be the case that your URL is so long that error.
8. Once they shortened the URL, dirijanse to the section of comments below all right here and publish that shortened address. Also can do so by mail, msn, Facebook, etc. each player Empires & Allies that click on that link, whether or not neighboring, provide them assistance for the building of the Government. To publish it on this trick, will receive my help and that of many other players, and can build buildings almost instantly.
9. When they receive assistance, you can notice it in the report upon entering the game:

10. But then, when it goes to the building of the Government who want to build you can notice that it appears as if without them additional staff. But do not be alarmed, it is a mistake of the game, that if notice button below says "Finish building", so if do you click, you can complete the construction of the same.


I hope that they have been useful this tricks of Empires & Allies to build government buildings.  
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