Trucos CityVille: permisos urbanisticos infinitos 
As many will know, Zynga finally left without effect the best of all the tricks of CityVille that could obtain any building by means of a request for assistance, this is due to various changes that place the company in the delivery of applications. But not everything is bad, that thanks to these changes, now we can request infinite permits CityVille urbanisticos in the same way as before could only request 1 by every neighbor. This is precisely the reason for this article, the trick of CityVille to win permits infinite urbanisticos.
For permits infinite urbanisticos in CityVille, must follow the following steps:
1. Entering the game with your main account.
2. Make 10 clicks on the image below of the permit Office:

3. See that are redirijidos to a request for help requesting permissions urbanisticos in CityVille:

4. Select your secondary account and/or neighbors on each request and then send all.
5. Enter your secondary account and accept requests.

6. Now again to login with your main account and dirijanse to the inventory, there you can find all urbanisticos permissions.

I hope that they have been useful this CityVille to win permits infinite urbanisticos tricks. Do not forget to share it with your friends

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