Money Cheat 1

  • Firefox/Chrome
  • Cheat Engine 6.0 (Find in the Tools section!)

  1. [Play Army Attack]
  2. Open cheat engine
  3. Purchase a Motor Pool.
  4. In Cheat Engine, scan 500 (cost of selling a motor pool)
  5. Quite a lot of addresses are returned.
  6. Select only the addresses that are black in color (not the green ones)
  7. Select the the addresses and press the red arrow button (copy all selected items to the address list)
  8. Now just change ALL the values to 500000.
  9. You can now sell the Motor Pool you bought earlier for 500,000 coins (see my image below)
  10. Have fun! 
  11. Note: For people with SLOWER/OLDER computers, 500000 coins may crash your computer, so try a lower value. If you have a FASTER computer, try 1000000 coins :) 

EXP + Coin Cheat 2
  • Firefox/Chrome
  • Cheat Engine 6.1
  1. Play Army Attack [play now]
  2. Open Cheat Engine
  3. Find a "boss" building that gives high exp and coins such as the 1 in the video
  4. Scan current health of building
  5. Damage it and NEXT SCAN the new health of the building.
  6. Repeat till only 1 address is found.
  7. Change the value to 0 as shown in the video. 
  8. Now you can keep attacking it to level up. 
  9. Note: It is best to use a +1 damage unit to attack the building so that you can attack the building a few times more.
  10. Once the building reaches 0 health server side (not client side), the building will disappear and you will get a game error. But, the exp and coins collected will be saved. Enjoy.
Premium Item Cheat 3
  • Firefox/Chrome
  • Cheat Engine 6.1
  1. Play Army Attack [play now]

  • Open Cheat Engine

  • Scan 129 (price of premium rocket battery)

  • A lot of addresses are returned.

  • Select only the addresses in black

  • Press the red arrow button.

  • Change the value of all the address to "0"

  • Now you can buy the premium item for FREE. 

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