Trucos para Army Attack: energia gratis 
 Army Attack is a fun and addictive game of war, like many other social games, it uses the mechanics of the energy, which often leaves us with a desire to keep playing when we just and little we can do so that it recovers quickly and most of these few things require spending real money, but here I bring you one of the tricks of Army Attack to win free energy.

1. The first step is to enter the game and get the popup message to request energy through a message on the wall of Facebook, which they will appear when they are without it. When it appears, click on the "ask help" button.

2. Will see that the typical pop-up window appears to them to publish news on the wall of Facebook, but before doing so they must right click on the title of the window and select the option "Copy link direccio" (changes in each browser, this example is in Chrome) to copy the link and then click on "publish", as seen in the image below:

3. Once you have the URL of the link, dirijanse to the comments section, which is down at all, and hit the link. In this way, any player Army attack which click said link you will be sending energy free for the game and will be receiving in return energy free for the in Army Attack.

4. For my part in the case of enter every day and send you free for Army Attack energy that you request me.
5. Also sure to click on links from other players to get coins free but also to provide an incentive to the other players do the same with you. This way not only will be received by your own link, but that also they won energy for the game by clicking on the external links and will be contributing to the Community aid.
6. It may be the case that when you click on any link do not receive anything. This is because each application has a caducacion, time must return and put back a comment asking for more free energy for Army Attack.
I hope that they have been useful this trick of army attack to obtain free energy. Don't forget to share it with your friends by clicking the following button:

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