Trucos Wild West Town: energia ilimitada 
In wild west town like any other game in line to make use of energy, it is quite annoying to be without it, because we can not keep playing without having to wait for that recharge us energy. For this reason that here I bring you one of the tricks of Wild West Town of unlimited energy so that they can play this wonderful game in lina unhindered.

The tools required to perform this trick of Wild West Town to win energy are:
  • Charles
  • Chrome
  • Have a secondary account linked to the main
Then must carry out the following steps:
1 Open Charles and entering the game with the secondary account.

2 Click on the image below to print the request for delivery of energy in the game.

3. In the target selection window to select your main account and send the request.
4. Now in Charles, look for and expand the line, then expand the folder "pFacebook /"and you will find a line that says"doindex.php? c = Gifting & sc = sendGift & sendTime…"

5. Right click on the line and select the "repeat advanced…" option.

6. See a pop-up window, where you must put 1000 in the box above and 10 in the below, then give click the "ok" button appears.


7 Wait a long time to Charles completed his work and then enter to Facebook with the master account. Dirijanse to the section of applications and you will see that only appears one.
8 To accept the shipment took place and in the window where you are notified that they accepted the gift press the key to reload the window and you will see returning to receive another handful of energy in the game. Repeat this process up to 1000 or so tired, I think that happen before.


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