Here I bring you another of the tricks of millionaire City, but this time is not to win billletes, but that in order to freely use the tools to move, charge and rent unlimited. These tools are available in the game in the Brown portfolio, which is located in the lower left corner, where we can select the above functions, which facilitate the process of collection, rental and relocation of buildings and decorations in the game.
Is worth mentioning that the use of these functions are available in the game through the payment of gold, but with this excellent trick of Millionaire City you can use these tools for almost unlimited time, which makes it easier and saves long play sessions.

To be able to carry out this trick, must have the following tools:

  • Chear Engine
  • FireFox
Once they have the tools above, you must carry out the following steps:
1. Entering the game.
2. Open Cheat Engine and on the tab "process" select the option "plugin-container.exe" or "Firefox.exe" If the first is not.
3. Change the option "4 byte" by "double", then put 172800000 in the value field and press the button "first scan"
4. See appear them several results in the table on the left, must find between them or ending on E0. Once they encounter, they are selected and then press the button with red arrow shape for fall to the table below of the Cheat Engine.


5. Once have the results in the table below, marquenlos all there and press the key or time when they will appear a pop-up window in which must place the following 99999999999 number and press the "ok" button.

 6.Return to the game and you can observe that the collector of rents costs two ingots of gold but lasts 1157 days.


7. Now proceed to perform the trick of the contractor:
8. First of all will press the button "new scan".
9. Then must repeat the same process from point 3, but must put the number in the value field 360000. I.e., placed that number and then press the button "first scan".
10. In the table on the left several results appear them, seek that end in E0 and make them down with red arrow-shaped button.
11. Once they are in the table below, selected them, press the key and place the number 99999999999 in the pop-up window that appears.


12. Now they return to the game and you will see that the free trials of the contractor takes 1157 days.

I hope that they have been useful this tricks of millionaire City to have the tools for an unlimited period
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