Trucos Bola: subir de nivel 
By that time not them brought bola
 tips, but the expected it was worthwhile, as here I bring you one of the best tricks of ball to level up , increasing fans unlimited. They should take to perform this trick ball before that it is without effect.


To perform this trick ball that increase of level, need the following tools:
  • Charles Web
  • Chrome or FireFox
Once they have the tools above, must follow the following steps:
1 Entering the game online.
2 Open the Charles Web, find the folder "", then expandala and also expand folders "Facebook /" and "FacebookBolaBackend.svc /", found in the first.
3 There you can see the line "ball (InitializeSession)", right click on it and select the option "breakpoint".


4. Now left the game and you will see that a new window appears in the Charles.
5. There will press the button "execute" (below all) twice and then dirijanse to the tab "edit Responses".
6. Then dirijanse to the "amf" tab (below) and look for the line "basefans", "Club" folder.
7. Double click on the number of the line and put 9999999. Then click on the button "execute."


8. Return to the main tab of the Charles, click on the "ball (InitializeSession)" line and deactivate the "Breakpoint" by clicking on this option.
9. Share with friends

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