By that time not them brought Tips for backyard monster, after aque trick to earn unlimited resources, still can be, because today I was using. But it isn't that trick the question of this article, but that here I come to bring you other Tips for Backyard Monster to build instantly and, obviously, using the Cheat Engine.

The tools required to perform this trick of Backyard Monster to build at the moment are:
  • Cheat Engine
  • Firefox
Once they have the tools above, must follow the following steps:
1. Open the game.
2 .Open the Cheat Engine and select the browser they use from the "process" tab or by clicking on the computer icon. Remember that if you are using one of the latest versions of FireFox, should select the option "pluguin-container.exe" and use Chrome should select the 3rd "Chrome.exe".
3. Return to the game and put to build what they want.
4. Now again in Cheat Engine, mark the box "enable speedhack", put 0.0 in the box below and then click the "apply" button.
5. You can see that the game was stopped completely. There must observe the amount of time remaining to complete the building to build and translate all this time to seconds. For example, I started to improve a "producer of Putty" to level 3, tardandome at that time 58 minutes 23 seconds, which resulted in seconds I'd 59 * 60 + 23 = 3563.
6. Once they get the number of seconds remaining to finish the construction, ponganlos in the value of the Cheat Engine field, desmarquen the "fast scan" option, then click on the "first scan" button and finally desmarquen the option "enable speedhack".

7. Will see appearing in the table on the left them several results and one of them is on your right a number that it will decrease of 1 in 1. They should double click on that result so that it descends to the lower table of the Cheat Engine.
8. In continuation of that outcome have descended to the lower table, must right click on the result there and select the option "Find out what writes to this address".
9 See a pop-up window appears in which must mark the code that it appears to them and then push on the button "Show disassembler".
10. Now you will appear another pop-up window, in a which must search for the 1st code in the "opcode" column that start with "je", double click on it and change "je" by "jg".

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