Credits: MC @ FB-Tricks

Click here to play
  1. Open the game and the Fiddler
  2. Download the database from any link and then remove
  3. In the Rule Editor Fiddler put the following: ">>> RegEx: (? Insx) restaurant.bin .* $"
  4. We click on AutoResponder
  5. Options labeled Enable automatic responses and passthrought Permit for unmatched requests and click Add
  6. Now, click on Find a File and look for the file "Restaurant.bin" you downloaded earlier
  7. Dan clicking on Save, update the game
  8. Now we go to the icon of tools and buy the futures Items that I will depart on 01/13/1911. The candy maker to 0 coins to buy much because the more you have more money will generate / / 1800 coins every 4 hours / / is a lot of money if you ask me my
  9. Enjoy!
Regards, Lalita.

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