Well not long ago that we use our''old friend''Cheat Engine .... As our friend brought us a hack Wiilander for Icy Tower with the same
Enjoy ..!


  •  Need:
  1. Cheat Engine 5.6.1
  2. Mozilla Firefox 3.6
  • Steps:
  1. Go  to Icy Tower
  2. Open the Cheat Engine 5.6.1
  3. We click on " Play "in the game
  4. We will choose the tower in which we play
  5. Do not choose any tower, we go to Cheat Engine 5.6.1
  6. Click on " Select a process to open "
  7. Choose the Plugin-container.exe
  8. Where it says " Value Type "choose" Text "
  9. We scan the value of the towers, ie 1999
  10. We'll have many results, we selected all
  11. Click on the red arrow to download them to the Cheat Table
  12. Once down, we click on the checkmark you all and select
  13. Right click → Change RecordValue
  14. We 1
  15. Click on Yes
  16. We return to the Icy Tower
  17. Clickeamos any tower and see what is the value of 1 coin
  18. Buy all the castles and play! : D

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