Well not long ago that we use our''old friend''Cheat Engine .... As our friend brought us a hack Wiilander for Icy Tower with the same
Enjoy ..!
- Need:
- Steps:
- Go to Icy Tower
- Open the Cheat Engine 5.6.1
- We click on " Play "in the game
- We will choose the tower in which we play
- Do not choose any tower, we go to Cheat Engine 5.6.1
- Click on " Select a process to open "
- Choose the Plugin-container.exe
- Where it says " Value Type "choose" Text "
- We scan the value of the towers, ie 1999
- We'll have many results, we selected all
- Click on the red arrow to download them to the Cheat Table
- Once down, we click on the checkmark you all and select
- Right click → Change Record → Value
- We 1
- Click on Yes
- We return to the Icy Tower
- Clickeamos any tower and see what is the value of 1 coin
- Buy all the castles and play! : D