Click Here To Play Bola
Tools :
- Fiddler
- Winrar
- FireFox
- DataBase ( Click Here To Download It )
Steps :
1.Download the database from The Link. Once downloaded you Extract it.
2.Open the Fiddler.
3.Then drag "Catalog" and "localizations-in" to Autoresponder
4.Clear Cache
5.Go to Bola
6.Now go to the Gym
7.And buy this marked improvement in the picture which is named FB-Tricks!
This cheat is copied from
8.Has a purchase price of 15000 Bollars all you want and hand it out to your players
8.All have 5 stars now
1.Download the database from The Link. Once downloaded you Extract it.
2.Open the Fiddler.
3.Then drag "Catalog" and "localizations-in" to Autoresponder
4.Clear Cache
5.Go to Bola
6.Now go to the Gym
7.And buy this marked improvement in the picture which is named FB-Tricks!
This cheat is copied from
8.Has a purchase price of 15000 Bollars all you want and hand it out to your players
8.All have 5 stars now