• Tools :

  1. WinRar or WinZip.
  2. Flash player 10
  3. RC Generator V3.5 Nofil2000 Gifts Here
  4. Fiddler 2 Web Debugger
  5. Google Chrome – Mozilla Firefox – Internet Explorer 


Steps@HunterBlog.Us :

  • 1 Download and decompress the file on the desktop.
  • 2 Fiddler opened, drag the crossdomain.xml file located in the folder you downloaded into the Fiddler.  Select the line appeared, and below that in Rule Editor, put the following: RegEx: (? Insx) crossdomain .* \. Xml $
  • Click Save.
  • 4  In a 1 second tab in the browser, open your Facebook account, which will reach the items. 
  • 5 Make sure the Fiddler is working with the browser. . If you use Mozilla, click on "Force traffic to Fiddler."
  • 6  From the folder you downloaded, double click the file "nofil2000.html."  It should open in the same browser you are using (Mozilla)
  • 7 Make sure to recognize you as a fan of nofile.  If you did well by setting the crossdomain steps, and you're logged into Facebook (and you're a fan) should be no problem.
  • 8  Click the "Get ID".   Facebook appears your ID.Debajo, en “Item ID”,. Below, in "Item ID", will appear as the default ID of the item Cherry. . If you want change, you can guide with a list at the end of the post. . Serve only the IDs of the items currently in Free Gifts.
  •   You can click on "Save" so that when you open the next time the generator will display the ID changed, and not the default is to Cherry.
  • 9 Once done, click "Get Token."  Make sure you copy everything from to &&&&.  (Restaurant City :Collaborative Gifts Exchange). Your token is not going to serve, will serve others when posting it nofile group (Restaurant City: Collaborative Gift Exchange) When someone uses your token, you will get a reward for your gift box in the game.
  • Enjoy! 

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